Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Telling The Truth About Chevron in Ecuador

It's no conspiracy, says Paul Paz y Miño of Amazon Watch in his blog about the subpoena Chevron served on Amazon Watch, one of the most effective environmental advocacy organizations in the country. It's truth telling, and, last time we checked, that wasn't against the law. 
Chevron, though, could care less, writes Paz y Miño. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

For U.S. Judge Lewis Kaplan, The Show Trial Must Go On

For a real stinker in the federal judiciary, look no further than how New York federal judge Lewis A. Kaplan is desperately trying to protect Chevron from having to pay its $19 billion environmental liability in Ecuador.  Once again, Kaplan is trying to act as the world’s judicial police from his Manhattan courtroom.

 You might remember that...