Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Chevron Paying Whistleblower Diego Borja to Keep Quiet About Evidence Tampering

Several weeks ago, the indigenous and farmer communities revealed new information that Chevron "cooked" evidence in the Lago Agrio trial in order to avoid a judgment in the long-running lawsuit – and that the oil company was providing financial support to whistleblower Diego Borja to prevent him from going public with the company's fraud. Among Chevron's...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More On Chevron’s Lies To Dupe Columbia Journalism Review

In a previous entry, we detailed how Chevron lied to Columbia Journalism Review writer Martha Hamilton about the operation of a well site called Shushufindi 38 in the Ecuadorian rainforest and the amount of toxic contamination at the well to convince her that 60 Minutes had not been fair to Chevron in its coverage of an environmental lawsuit against...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Chevron Lied To Columbia Journalism Review About Toxic Oil Well

Shushufindi 38, the famous pit closed by Texaco in 1984 as seen in recent months. Chevron’s tests found no contamination here.Chevron has told the highly respected Columbia Journalism Review a flat-out lie about an oil well...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chevron – Produce The iPhone & Evidence Your Contractor Has

A Chevron contractor in Ecuador, Diego Borja, claims the company cooked evidence and created dummy corporations to process laboratory samples – all in an effort to avoid a judgment in a large environmental trial.Diego BorjaChevron’s...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Real Fraud In $27 Billion Environmental Lawsuit Is Texaco’s Phony Cleanup & Chevron’s Effort To Cover It Up

Amazon Defense CoalitionFor Immediate ReleaseApril 5, 2010Contact: Karen Hinton703-798-3109karen@hintoncommunications.comReal Fraud In $27 Billion Environmental Lawsuit Is Texaco’s Phony Cleanup & Chevron’s Effort To Cover It UpWASHINGTON, DC (April 5, 2010) -- The Amazon Defense Coalition released the following statement about a news account that...