Friday, October 30, 2009

Chevron’s Ready-Made Scandal Continues to Fall Apart

New post from Paul over at's Ready-Made Scandal Continues to Fall Apart A new Associated Press investigation revealed that the purported environmental remediation specialist, Wayne Douglas Hansen, who secretly filmed meetings meant to catch Ecuadorian officials in acts of corruption has never owned a remediation...

Chevron’s “Good Samaritan” is a Drug Trafficker and a liar…

An article in the New York Times today outlines the latest findings about the American, Wayne Hansen, who supposedly owned a remediation company, and who Chevron claimed made secret videotapes to expose "corruption" out of the goodness of his heart. Well, turns out that almost everything the guy said about who he was and who Chevron claimed he was...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Chevron Sullying Reputation of American Corporations Abroad; Garrigo Sullying Chevron’s Reputation at Home

Chevron's spokeswoman and resident "Misrepresenter in Chief" Silvia Garrigo was at it again during an interview with CNN's Rick Sanchez on Oct. 22. Garrigo, who professes to love the environment, last made headlines with her abysmal performance on CBS News' 60 minutes, where she dismissed health concerns in Ecuador's Amazon by comparing cancer-causing...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Chevron hit hard today by movie review in Washington Post

Interesting review of the movie "Crude" in today's Washington Post – the article really breaks down the way Chevron has handled the lawsuit to date. Take a look below or at: Not simply an underdog's tale By John AndersonFriday, October 23, 2009 Had Michael...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Chevron has problems all around the world…

This press release from FACES, a group which tracks environmental justice issues in the Philippines and the United States: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEOctober 22, 20093:30 PMCONTACT: Filipino/American Coalition for Environmental Solidarity (FACES)Aileen Suzara, FACES510-409-8627, info@facessolidarity.orgUS State Department Gets It Wrong on Chevron's Operations...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Today’s Bribery Tale Very Different from the One Chevron Told Seven Weeks Ago…

The tale that Chevron told about how two men secretly recorded a bribery scheme in Ecuador is a very different tale today from the one Chevron unveiled seven weeks ago on YouTube and through the news media. Chevron's attempt to use the bribery scheme to derail a potential $27 billion lawsuit for oil contamination in the Ecuadorian rainforest could...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chevron: Don’t believe your eyes…believe our lies!

Chevron's bloggers, who continue to deny the truth about the company's involvement in oil contamination in Ecuador, are upset with a New York Times photo of a waste pit in Ecuador that ran last Saturday.Chevron apologists such as Carter Wood – who blogs for the National Association of Manufacturers, which counts Chevron as a major donor – have said...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Kennedy: "Exxon Valdez was an accident…What happened here in Ecuador was done on purpose."

Kerry Kennedy – daughter of Robert F. Kennedy – toured the contamination and pollution Chevron left behind in Ecuador this week. From the AP:RFK's daughter backs Ecuadoreans in Chevron suit (AP) – 5 hours agoQUITO, Ecuador — Robert F. Kennedy's daughter sided with Ecuadorean Indians and farmers in their $27 billion environmental lawsuit against...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

If you can’t earn a good reputation, you can always buy one…

It appears that corporate excellence isn't what you do anymore, but how much you're willing to pay. With a potential $27 billion judgment looming in Ecuador over oil contamination, Chevron has been working hard to hide its toxic legacy and promote itself as a corporation with a reputation worthy of honor.But, instead of working to actually improve...

Monday, October 5, 2009

LA Times Editorial Blasts Chevron

Last Friday an editorial blasted Chevron's newest tricky legal maneuver: an attempt to freeze out the rights of more than 30,000 indigenous people by moving the trial (that they asked for!) into a secret international arbitration. The editorial clearly lays out what Chevron is attempting – read on:latimes.comEditorialChevron's shifty shifting of venueThe...