Friday, September 25, 2009


Chevron has never appeared to take seriously its potential liability for the 18 billion gallons of contamination intentionally dumped in the Amazon rainforest. The oil company continually dismisses the overwhelming evidence that shows ChevronTexaco is responsible for destroying the health and way of life of the indigenous groups and farmer communities...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Chevron attempting to pass the buck to Ecuador?

The Wall Street Journal published an article today (both in their print edition and online) looking at Chevron's latest maneuver to try to pass any liability stemming from the landmark environmental lawsuit against the company over to the government of Ecuador. This article appeared in print (below) but oddly, appeared originally as a different, longer...

Monday, September 21, 2009

"The Chevron Way" by Steven Donziger, posted at

Steven Donziger, one of the primary U.S. lawyers advising the plaintiffs in the lawsuit against Chevron in Ecuador wrote an Op-Ed laying out the case against Chevron. Read on below or after the link:CommentaryThe Chevron...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Han Shan: Chevron's 'Dirty Tricks Operation' in the Amazon

Amazing post today on Huffington Post by Han Shan - linked and copied belowHan Shan: Chevron's 'Dirty Tricks Operation' in the Amazon If you can't win the argument, change the subject. That seems to be oil giant...

Ecuador vs. Chevron: Do the Videos Implicate the Judge?

Amazing stories out of Ecuador these days - Time Magazine ran the most comprehensive piece we've seen thus far:Ecuador vs. Chevron: Do the Videos Implicate the Judge?Thursday, Sep. 03, 2009 Ecuador vs. Chevron: Do the Videos Implicate the Judge? By Stephan Küffner / Quito The lawsuit, the largest of its kind, has lasted 16 years, pitting...