Thursday, June 18, 2009

Chevron’s New Shills

In a sign of frustration over their inability to convince any journalists with a semblance of independence or journalistic integrity to publish their talking points, Chevron has turned to paying faux journalists and bloggers to parrot the company's talking points and to do the company's dirty work in lobbing baseless accusations against the people...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Chevron Praised Ecuador’s Courts for years and years…

until the company stood to profit by trashing them.It turns out that long before Chevron picked up their new theme that "Ecuador's courts are biased" (no doubt a message that was refined in countless focus groups before Chevron's P.R. firms started pushing it out to you, loyal reader) the company spent years praising the courts, in an attempt to get...

Friday, June 12, 2009

NY Times highlights “Crude” at Human Rights Watch; Film Premiering Tomorrow

"Crude" – the documentary which exposes Chevron's toxic legacy in Ecuador – is premiering tomorrow at the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival, at the Lincoln Center theatre. And in advance of the screening, the New York Times published a glowing review of the film today: You can read...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Carie Ellis: What Chevron has to learn from "Leave it to Beaver"

Very interesting blog from Carrie Ellis over at Chem.Info. Take a look at: Amazon Chernobylor below, where we've copied the blog:Chevron Digging Its Own Waste Pit by Carrie Ellis, Editor, Chem.Info Only something catastrophic...

Chevron CEO a sociopath?

Mike Papantonio, an extremely accomplished attorney who is not, to our knowledge, involved in any of the lawsuits against Chevron, published an interesting view of Chevron's response to the "True Cost of Chevron" on the Huffington Post. Take a look below or at: