Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Chevron Creating Fake News To Hide Environmental Crimes in Ecuador's Amazon

Chevron is again trying to spread fake news to try to distract attention from its environmental crimes and sham remediation in Ecuador, where the company is on the hook for a $9.5 billion liability and faces potential criminal prosecution for presenting fabricated evidence to a U.S. court. Last week, we reported how dismissed Fortune reporter Roger...

Friday, May 19, 2017

Journalist Roger Parloff Blows It Again Over Chevron's Ecuador Pollution Case

Journalist Roger Parloff, who recently left Fortune magazine, has resurfaced as a writer for Yahoo Finance. But one thing that hasn't changed is his dishonest and unbalanced reporting in favor of Chevron in the historic Ecuador pollution case where the company faces a huge liability for its toxic dumping in the rainforest. Parloff recently published...

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Supreme Court Faces Major Test With Chevron's Facially Corrupt RICO Case

An explosive new report that details how U.S. courts endorsed Chevron's fabricated evidence in its facially corrupt RICO case against Ecuadorian indigenous villagers presents a major test for the U.S. Supreme Court. (See this press release summarizing the report.) The 33-page report -- called How U.S. Courts Got It Wrong In Chevron's Amazon Pollution...

Will the Supreme Court Strike Down Chevron's Facially Corrupt RICO Case?

This is a blog from attorney Aaron Page reposted from the Huffington Post: Okay folks, the briefs are in. (And online, except Chevron's opposition, which I've seen but which Chevron seems to be hiding from the internet.) Our side will still file a reply, but nonetheless it's go time on the petition to the Supreme Court to review the shameful U.S....

Friday, May 12, 2017

17 Environmental Groups Criticize Chevron Before Supreme Court for Faking Evidence

Seventeen prominent environmental and human rights groups have gone to the U.S. Supreme Court to criticize Chevron and its legal team for fabricating evidence in the historic Ecuador pollution case and for violating the Free Speech rights of the company's critics. The filing of the latest "friend of the court" briefs (see here and here) from the civil...