Thursday, December 18, 2014

Chevron's 12-Step Program to Obtain Impunity for Its Crimes and Abuses In Ecuador

Why has Chevron still not paid up for its destruction of Ecuador's ecosytem after 22 years of litigation? And why has Chevron still not paid a dollar directly to those affected by its pollution in Ecuador when BP voluntarily put up $20 billion to compensate victims within weeks of its much less impactful Gulf oil spill in the United States...

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Canada's Supreme Court Poised to Force Chevron To Stand Trial Over $9.5 Billion Judgment

Chevron Lawyer Clark Hunter Poses Dare to Justices: "Fairness" Should Have Nothing to do With It Chevron's brazen plan to inflict a "lifetime of litigation" on the indigenous communities it poisoned in Ecuador's Amazon continues to grind its way through courts around the world. We are now in the third decade of litigation since the original lawsuit...