Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Chevron Faces Rising Business Risk From Ecuador Judgment

Inside Counsel, a magazine for corporate lawyers, recently published an article by New York attorney Steven Donziger outlining Chevron's rising global business risks stemming from its $9.5 billion Ecuador environmental liability. Donziger writes that Chevron's scorched earth litigation strategy in the Ecuador matter should serve as a "cautionary...

Sunday, September 28, 2014

How Reporter Paul Barrett Got It Wrong On Chevron’s Calamity In Ecuador

Chevron's $9.5 billion environmental liability in Ecuador, affirmed by eight separate appellate judges, has been haunting company CEO John Watson and his shareholders for years. In a new book on the litigation -- one replete with factual errors and lacking even a single footnote -- Businessweek reporter Paul Barrett largely adopts the myopically narrow...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

NYT Columnist Joe Nocera Hides Major Conflict of Interest Over Chevron's Ecuador Case

We have long known business writer Joe Nocera to be the resident lightweight of the NYT op-ed page. He clearly lacks the supple analytical insight often seen in the writing of his colleagues Maureen Dowd, Thomas Friedman, Charles Blow, David Brooks, and Paul Krugman. It was no surprise, then, when Nocera decided to use his column to help his Businessweek...

Friday, September 19, 2014

Fortune's Roger Parloff Now Helping Chevron's Smear Campaign

Fortune legal reporter Roger Parloff seems upset over Chevron's diminishing prospects of evading its $9.5 billion environmental liability in Ecuador. We have written previously about Parloff's slanted reporting in favor of Chevron. For months, with no conceivable justification, he has refused to print our detailed letter to the editor pointing out...

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Chevron Racism Toward Ecuador Highlighted by Court Decision In BP Case

A legal decision handed down last week by U.S. federal Judge Carl Barbier found that BP's "gross negligence" caused the Deepwater Horizon blowout in the Gulf of Mexico.  The decision increased the company's liability to roughly $50 billion. For our purposes, Judge Barbier's decision – which sets an important benchmark for corporate accountability...

Friday, September 5, 2014

Rolling Stone Nails Chevron for Corrupt Acts In Ecuador Litigation

None other than Rolling Stone (with its 4 million Twitter followers) has now weighed in on Chevron's environmental catastrophe and cover-up in Ecuador. The picture is not pretty for company management and shareholders. The detailed story by Alexander Zaitchik that appeared last week on the magazine's website nails Chevron for trying to sabotage...