Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Don't Buy Chevron's Big Lie!

Originally posted on Amazon Watch's Eye on the Amazon blog, by Paul Paz y Miño: Global Warming is a Myth The NSA is Not Really Spying on Americans The CIA Doesn't Torture Prisoners Chevron Has Been Exonerated...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Trudie Styler on Seeking Justice in Ecuador

Along with her husband Sting, Trudie Styler founded the Rainforest Fund 25 years ago, and as a longtime advocate for the rights of the indigenous communities of the Amazon, she has supported the legal efforts to hold Chevron accountable for its human rights and environmental abuses in Ecuador. Today, Trudie posted a powerful article on Huffington...

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Court Ruling in Chevron’s RICO Case: Violates First Amendment and Will Backfire In International Courts

This morning, U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan delivered his ruling in Chevron's retaliatory RICO case against the Ecuadorian villagers living amidst the company's contamination, and their long-time legal advocate Steven Donziger. Donziger, his appellate counsel Deepak Gupta, and Han Shan, U.S. spokesperson for the Ecuadorians issued a press release...