Thursday, February 20, 2014

Paul Barrett & Business Week agree: Chevron's lawyers may not even believe their own arguments

Below is a short, must-read piece from Marco Simons, Legal Director of Washington DC-based EarthRights International (ERI), a "nonprofit organization that combines the power of law and the power of people in defense of human rights and the environment," as ERI's mission states. For nearly twenty years, ERI has provided legal support for oppressed...

Chevron: "Let Them Eat Pizza!"

Originally posted on Amazon Watch's Eye on the Amazon blog. By Paul Paz y Miño. Would people really offer a coupon for a free pizza and soda to families who just had a gas well blow up in their community, killing...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How Chevron Might Have A Lawsuit Against Its Own Law Firm for Blowing the RICO Case

Chevron's "Dream Team" at the Gibson Dunn law firm has yet to come up with an explanation for its monumental mistake last week in undermining the company's RICO case against Ecuadorian villagers and their lawyers.  Chevron's team leader at Gibson Dunn, partner Randy Mastro, usually loves spinning to the media.  But even he has gone radio...

Monday, February 3, 2014