Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Donziger's New Appellate Team Comes Out Firing; Asks for Nullification of RICO Case

It was only last week that lawyers for Steven Donziger as well as the Ecuadorian victims of Chevron's pollution in the rainforest—sued alongside their longtime legal advocate—filed their final reply briefs in the oil giant's retaliatory RICO case. Judge Lewis Kaplan is expecting to deliver a ruling in the coming weeks or months. But long expecting...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Since When Did Lobbying and PR Become Extortion?

Today, Politico Magazine published a powerful op-ed from Karen Hinton, who has long served as a tenacious spokesperson and advocate for the Ecuadorian communities fighting to hold Chevron accountable for its abuses in the Amazon. It's aimed at an audience of people, who like herself, advocate for the interests of others. In it, she asks whether some...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Biting Satire Video from Pulitzer-winning Animator Blasts Chevron over Retaliation Tactics

According to a press release from Amazon Watch, long-time staunch allies of the Ecuadorian communities demanding justice from Chevron: Today Amazon Watch released an edgy satire created by Pulitzer-winning animator Mark Fiore blasting Chevron's unprecedented tactics to avoid responsibility for its admitted acts of environmental destruction in the...

Monday, January 20, 2014

HuffPost: New Christie Attack Dog Attorney Randy Mastro No Friend to Ecuador's Indigenous Peoples

New York City-based writer Nikolas Kozloff has written a powerful indictment of the lawyer that embattled New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has hired to help him handle a scandal that threatens to engulf the Governor's administration and destroy any chance he may have at a White House run. Governor Christie has hired none other than Gibson Dunn's...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Desperation: Chevron CEO Asked Venezuela President for Help On Ecuador

In 2014, Watson Faces Host of  Challenges As Company Tries to Evade Accountability for Toxic Dumping With shareholder discontent over its Ecuador liability on the rise yet again, Chevron CEO John Watson is facing a new series of challenges in 2014 as the company continues its two-decade campaign to evade accountability for the toxic contamination...