Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Donziger & Ecuadorians File Motion to Strike Testimony of Chevron's Well-Paid Witness

Today, the legal team for Steven Donziger and the Ecuadorians targeted by Chevron's retaliatory RICO suit filed a motion—filled with devastating detail—to strike the testimony of the oil giant's star witness. That star witness, disgraced former Ecuadorian Judge Alberto Guerra, testified during the RICO trial last week that representatives...

Monday, October 28, 2013

Letter to the Court: Donziger Expresses Fair Trial Concerns to Judge Kaplan

In an October 23rd letter to Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, Steven Donziger writes: “I write to record objections to certain procedures being used that I believe are interfering with my ability to mount a defense and violating my fundamental right to a fair trial.” Steven’s letter goes on to enumerate in detail issues in the proceedings currently underway,...

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Corporate Rights or Human Rights?

Katie Redford at Earth Rights International posted a blog here,  writing eloquently on the privilege to "speak" and limit activism that corporations are enjoying, as the rights of human beings to hold those corporations...

Chevron Withdraws Key Element of RICO Charge Against Donziger

Check out the press release issued today by the legal team representing Steven Donziger and the Ecuadorian Plaintiffs—now, of course, Defendants in Chevron's retaliatory RICO case. See below for important points on the first week of trial, and stay tuned for next week... FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 18, 2013 Contact: Chris Gowen, 610-513-0539,...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

RICO Bombshell Further Erodes Credibility of Key Chevron Witness

On the very second morning of the trial in Chevron's retaliatory RICO suit, one of the oil giant's star witnesses dropped a bombshell. And the star witness—Chevron's own Ricardo Reis Vega, the company's vice president who oversaw its legal defense in the Ecuador case—dropped that bombshell on another of Chevron's star witnesses.   With the...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Eye on the Amazon: Retaliation Trial Opens Against Victims of Chevron Contamination in Ecuador

Reposted from Eye on the Amazon Today in New York Ecuadorian villagers from the Amazon rainforest region ravaged by Chevron's oil contamination were joined by supporters for a rally in Foley Square across from...

Chevron’s Retaliatory Show Trial Opens in New York

Today in a New York Courtroom,  Chevron’s campaign to evade accountability for its environmental and human rights abuses in Ecuador officially enters a new, egregious, ridiculous stage. This morning, in Judge Lewis Kaplan’s courtroom on the 21st floor of the Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Courthouse in New York, Chevron’s team of lawyers assembled...

Monday, October 14, 2013

Setting the Record Straight: Steven on HuffPost Live

This is an excellent segment. Watch Steven Donziger interviewed on HuffPost Live:     Steven sets the record straight when the ill-informed host throws out some baloney about film outtakes showing Steven talking about bribes—an allegation Chevron hasn't even made despite its myriad other ridiculous accusations. No such outtakes exist...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Judge Kaplan Denies Jury Trial for Donziger and Ecuadoreans

Today, the New York Law Journal ran an article on its front page about the upcoming trial in Chevron's retaliatory RICO lawsuit against the victims of Chevron's abuses in the Ecuadorean Amazon, and their long-time U.S. attorney, Steven Donziger. The piece begins: The pitched battle between Chevron Corporation and a lawyer and Ecuadorians who won a...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Chevron Continues Abusive Efforts to Rig Trial in Retaliatatory RICO Case vs. Donziger and Ecuadorian Villagers

Last week, after bringing in heavy-hitting trial lawyer Ted Olson to argue its case, Chevron prevailed in its effort to keep its favorite judge overseeing the upcoming trial over the oil giant's retaliatory lawsuit against lawyer Steven Donziger and his clients from the Ecuadorian Amazon. Days later, on the eve of the trial, Chevron dropped its damages...