Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Judge Lewis A. Kaplan Socks Ecuador Indigenous Groups With Huge Bills for His “Special Master” Friends

The Disturbing Story of the Secret Invoices of Max Gitter and Theodore Katz Just when you thought Judge Lewis A. Kaplan’s maneuverings in favor of Chevron in the Ecuador case could not get any worse, they just did.   The controversial judge, who was unanimously reversed by an appellate court in an earlier phase of the case when he tried to impose...

Monday, July 8, 2013

Chevron Suffers Major Setback In Ecuador Case as Court Freezes $96 Million In Assets

CEO Watson Forced To Testify Under Oath That Fourth of July party at Chevron’s headquarters must have been a real dud. Just before the holiday, news quietly surfaced in Latin America that $96 million in Chevron assets have been frozen in Ecuador at the behest of the indigenous and farmer communities who hold a judgment against the company.  The...