Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ecuadorian Tells Chevron It's Time For Change In Leadership

Amazon Watch's latest official blog gives us a heads-up that one of the Ecuadorians suing Chevron will be at the oil giant's next shareholder meeting in San Ramon, California, Chevron's headquarters, on May 29th, urging CEO and Chairman of the Board John Watson to take a permanent hike.  The blog is below and here. Enjoy! Servio Returns...

Friday, May 17, 2013

Judge Lewis A. Kaplan Allowing Chevron to Use Secret Witnesses Against Ecuadorians and Donziger

Decision Compared to “Spanish Inquisition” and “Star Chamber” We already have reported how New York federal Judge Lewis A. Kaplan has been under furious criticism of late from prominent lawyers, including famed San Francisco-based attorney John Keker, for trying to mount a “show trial” in New York to help Chevron evade its $19 billion liability...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

$19B Ecuador Liability Puts Chevron CEO Watson On Hot Seat Before Annual Meeting

Amazon Watch has issued this press release (see below) about Chevron's upcoming shareholder's meeting and the heat CEO and Chairman of the Board John Watson will take from activist shareholders about the Ecuador...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Chevron's Lies In Ecuador Case Evident in NBC News Report

NBC Nightly News Ann Curry recently returned from Ecuador with this account of how impoverished indigenous groups in the Amazon rainforest are preparing to fight -- literally and metaphorically -- their government's efforts to explore for oil on their native, pristine lands. Meanwhile, some of these same groups are fighting in a U.S. courtroom...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

2,000 Lawyers Failed To Block Chevron CEO John Watson From Court Deposition On Ecuador Case

After spending hundreds of millions of dollars for 2,000 lawyers and legal assistants to fight a group of impoverished Ecuadorian indigenous people in a historic oil contamination lawsuit, Chevron's CEO and Chairman of the Board John Watson will finally have to answer questions under oath about the environmental crimes committed by an oil company...