Thursday, March 28, 2013

Chevron Can Solve Its Argentina Problem: Pay The Judgment

Chevron's head of operations in Argentina has complained to the Ecuadorians, who recently won a $19 billion judgment against the company for massive oil contamination, that future exploration and drilling is threatened in Argentina because of a local court's decision to freeze its assets. Efe News Service quoted Miguel Galluccio, Chevron's guy in...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Third Chevron Spill In Utah Bigger Than Thought -- Why Are We Not Surprised

Chevron's third spill in Utah in as many years is much bigger than the oil giant indicated initially. Why are we not surprised? Chevron always downplays the impact of its drilling and exploration practices on the environment and human health. One expert, John Connor, has even testified that he has never found any evidence that Chevron's drilling...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

More Chevron Spies & Lies

This Huffington Post blog is the stuff of spy novels and would be hard to believe if it all hadn't been so well-documented. In the blog, Karen Hinton offers up a compilation of some of the dirty tricks played by Chevron's private investigative firms that have been hired to discredit the $19 billion judgment against the company for oil contamination. A...

Monday, March 18, 2013

SEC Tries To Silence Chevron Shareholders

Not surprisingly, the Securities and Exchange Commission has rubber stamped Chevron's request to remove a shareholder resolution from consideration at its annual shareholders meeting that would have stripped John Watson of his Chairman's title and responsibilities. Watson currently is the CEO and Chairman. The SEC decision makes it look like the corporate...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Chevron Boxes Itself In With SEC Move

Chevron's decision to ask the SEC to allow it to dropkick shareholder resolutions calling for the duties of Chairman and CEO to be split -- essentially demoting current Chair and CEO John Watson -- has boxed the oil giant into a public relations defeat. It's a  lose-lose proposition for the multi-national corporation. The shareholders are concerned...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013