Friday, February 24, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Check This Out!

Some must read blogs and articles (short and sweet):Chevron: You Break it! You Fix it! Chevron: How Low Can You Go? AmericaBlog: Oil companies delay with hopes problems go away.Become a follower of The Chevron Pit. Follow us on Twitter at @ChevronPit .Visit Chevron to find out more. Support Amazon Watch and Rainforest Action Netwo...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ecuador Appellate Court Says Ecuadorians’ Human Rights Take Precedent

Chevron’s secret arbitration panel has demanded that Ecuador do the oil giant’s bidding and stop enforcement of the $18 billion judgment against the company. Chevron has tried to convince journalists covering the case that the panel has the authority to tell another country’s court system what to do.Prestigious international jurists have said nonsense....

Friday, February 17, 2012

Shocking New Video Exposes Chevron's Crimes & Fraud In Ecuador

Take 15 minutes of your day and watch this shocking new video that exposes Chevron's crimes and fraud in Ecuador. Chevron's lawyers, lobbyists, and public relations firms have tried everything to distract attention away from the suffering of the Ecuadorians who have been forced to live with the contamination Chevron left in the rainforest after exploring...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Chevron Says The Darndest Things

Actually They Are Pretty ShockingDuring almost two decades of litigation against Chevron for the massive contamination of the Ecuador rainforest, the oil giant's spokespeople have said some of the darndest things.When heard or read for the first time, they actually are pretty shocking, leading one to believe the company's executives are completely...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Prestigious Legal Experts Slam Chevron's Secretive Panel of Private Attorneys Who Seek to Kill $18 Billion Judgment

Prestigious international legal experts are demanding that the United Nations step in and end efforts by a secretive arbitration panel of private attorneys, with close ties to Chevron, to block enforcement of the $18 billion judgment against the oil giant. Read this recent post on The Chevron Pit and by the Rainforest Action Network for details.Calling...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Secret Arbitration "Club" Meets This Weekend In DC On Ecuador Case

After having lost on the merits in Ecuador and U.S. courts, Chevron has turned to a secret panel of private lawyers, nicknamed "The Club," to help the company avoid paying a dime of the $18 billion judgment against it for the deliberate poisoning of the rainforest. Chevron is trying to use a controversial private enforcement process under the U.S.-Ecuador...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dead fish, health problems emerge as Chevron rig off Nigeria continues to burn after accident

The AP ran this horrific story yesterday about the devastating impact a Chevron natural gas rig fire is having on Nigerians. This is yet another example of Chevron's haphazard approach to oil exploration: Ecuador, Brazil and now Nigeria.  The entire story is below.  By Associated Press, Updated: Monday, February 6, 6:27 AMLAGOS,...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Either You Did Or You Didn't

Fess Up ChevronIt's a pretty simple question, Chevron. Did you change this document to look like this document so you could hide from the court huge amounts of life-threatening toxins at your old well sites in Ecuador? If you did, then it proves what the Ecuadorians have been saying since testing at the sites began in 2004 and 2005 during the...