Uses Employee’s Spouse -- A “Stay-Home Dad” -- To Undermine Environmental Group Critical Of Its Contaminated Legacy In EcuadorIn a press release issued today, the Amazon Defense Coalition revealed another example of Chevron...
Oil Giant Met With Independent Court Expert, Later Refused To Pay Him After He Found Toxins At So-Called “Remediated” SitesChevron has been caught in yet another big, fat lie told to a dozen or more U.S. federal judges about interactions with court-appointed technical experts in the landmark trial in Ecuador over massive oil contamination of the rainforest.Attorneys...
Financial Analyst Raises Questions Over Chevron Management of Litigation & Misleading Disclosures to ShareholdersRaising the eyebrows of Chevron shareholders is a new report on the financial and operational risks to the company over its $18b legal liability for illegal dumping of toxic waste in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. It warns investors...
One Living “Like A King” In PeruA Chevron dirty trickster is apparently enjoying the good life on the beaches of Peru after unsuccessfully trying to derail the historic Ecuadorian lawsuit against the oil giant for oil contamination. His partner, another Chevron operative, has been on the Chevron payroll since June 2009, receiving $10,000 to $15,000...
"I'm not aware of any case where a court has ever even tried to restrain foreign plaintiffs from enforcing a foreign judgment in foreign jurisdictions.""...even if Chevron wins the enforcement battle in the US, that doesn't end the matter, because the plaintiffs will go to other countries to enforce the judgment. The plaintiffs only need to win once...
Kaplan Also Trying to Avoid Appellate Review of His “One-Sided” and “Draconian” Decisions In Favor of ChevronAfter advising Chevron to file civil criminal charges against the Ecuadorians suing the oil giant for contamination AND to drop one of the Ecuadorians’ lawyers from a charge effectively blocking the lawyer from defending himself.... After...