Thursday, April 21, 2011

Chevron Gets Scared, Moves to Avoid Jury Trial

Chevron has launched yet another front on its endless legal shenanigans. In a desperate attempt to avoid a jury trial, the oil giant has filed papers in Judge Lewis Kaplan’s court seeking to remove Steven Donziger and his highly-respected counsel John Keker out of the first phase of a racketeering case in New York that the oil giant filed in February...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Miami Herald Journalist Proves Chevron Lied About The Remediation

"(Chevron) always show(s) you the shirt the coat and the tie. They never show you the tumor underneath the shirt."Miami Herald reporter Jim Wyss has caught Chevron in yet another lie about its so-called “remediation” agreement. Wyss toured one of the oil well sites, Sascha 53, that Chevron told both U.S. and Ecuadorian courts had been cleaned.He described...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Speak Truth & Join Our Conspirators’ Club Today!

The spokesperson for the Ecuadorian plaintiffs warned public interest advocates this week in an oped in the Capitol Hill publication, The Hill, against criticizing powerful interests for their misconduct, as the lawyers, environmentalists and other supporters have done in the 18-year-old litigation against Chevron for oil contamination in the Ecuador...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Chevron Raises CEO John Watson’s Salary As Americans Place Oil Giant In “Least Reputable” Category. Even Watson’s Own Neighbors Don’t Like Him!

News from Chevron: The oil giant has raised CEO John Watson’s salary by 7 percent to $1.6 million. Chevron’s Board may like his performance, but most Americans do not. A survey found that Chevron was one of the least reputable...