Monday, February 28, 2011

Chevron’s Ads “Add Up To One Big Lie”

Advertising Age’s Jonathan Salem Baskin got it right in his latest piece about Chevron’s lies in its new “We Agree” ad campaign: “Is Your Advertising Telling a Lie?”Baskin wrote:“The story in London's Independent newspaper last week was unequivocal: Chevron has been fined more than $8 billion for causing an environmental disaster called by some "the...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Look Back At Key Devastating Facts Chronicling Chevron’s Environmental Mess In Ecuador

No one is to blame for Chevron’s crimes in the Amazon but the company itself. For that reason, and in light of the recent historic court decision handed down in Ecuador, we felt it imperative to provide a brief summary of Chevron’s worst offenses.Chevron dumped chemical-laden water into natural streams and rivers.Chevron dumped approximately 16 billions...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chevron Tells Federal Court “Irreparable Harm Imminent”; Tells Media & Analysts $8.6 Billion Judgment “Unenforceable”

If you read the press clippings about the recent $8.6 billion judgment against Chevron for massive oil contamination in the Ecuadorian rainforest, you would think Chevron will never be forced to pay a penny in damages. Chevron’s...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Chevron's Operative Borja Must Testify

A San Francisco judge ruled that Diego Borja, Chevron’s "dirty tricks" agent who is responsible for recording misleading tapes of Ecuadorean Judge Juan Nunez, has to turn over hundreds of documents and testify about his role in falsifying evidence related to the pollution lawsuit by March 21. This will give plaintiffs a chance to question the man who...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

After 18 Years Of Waiting, Justice Is Served!

After 18 years of litigation in both the U.S. and in Ecuador, a court of law has found Chevron accountable for the massive contamination of the Ecuadorian rainforest. Below is a statement from the Ecuadorians who have lived with Chevron’s pollution for five decades. Also below is the front page article that appeared today in the Wall Street Journal.Amazon...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chevron Buries Its Final Arguments In Ecuador; Embarrassed To Proclaim It Didn’t Harm a Blade of Grass or One Person

Chevron filed its final arguments to the Ecuadorian court in January, but you would never know it. No press release from the oil giant. No posting on the web site, either.Why? Because, according to Chevron, its operations over three decades resulted in no harm to the environment or to people. Zero.Read more below, and see the first part of the plaintiffs’...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chevron's Corporate Bullying

Two interesting perspectives on Chevron’s efforts to turn the victims of its misconduct into criminals. One is from a Huffington Post blogger, Joanna Zelman, who concludes her piece with:“The finger pointing, intimidation, lawsuits, and countersuits all blur into what might appear to be just a big game. But at its core, there are human beings seeking...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Scientific Evidence Will Triumph Over Chevron’s Intimidation Tactics in Ecuador

Oil Giant Seeks To Choke Dissent & Protest of its Sub-standard PracticesWith the scientific evidence against Chevron in the historic Ecuador environmental trial fully before the court, the oil giant is now resorting...