Again Oil Giant Fails to Defend Misconduct in Ecuador CaseOnce again, Chevron's silence tells us more about the company's fraudulent misconduct in Ecuador than do its whitewashedpublic statements.After refusing to answer...
Yesterday a Miami Herald reporter asked James Craig, Chevron’s man in Ecuador, about reports that the oil giant has, in essence, offered a $1 billion bribe to Ecuador’s government to kill the $18 billion lawsuit brought by indigenous tribes.Instead of immediately denying the bribe, Craig demurred and changed the subject – a classic PR move when you...
Blog About Cozy Relationship Between Chevron and Government Appointee Creates Stir in EcuadorLooks like Chevron is trying to buy its way out of the $18 billion liability it faces in Ecuador. Mitch Anderson of Amazon Watch writes in Huffington Post about Chevron's latest scam to escape justice. Below is his blog, Crude Politics: Is Chevron Involved...
Yesterday we reported that a U.S. federal judge in Oregon sanctioned Chevron's law firm Gibson Dunn & Crutcher for harassment of a witness in its campaign to help Chevron evade an $18 billion judgment in Ecuador for...
In a surprising turn of events given the U.S. Embassy long and sordid history in Ecuador, our nation’s ambassador there has decided to support a joint effort by Ecuadorians and The Nature Conservancy to preserve the rainforest...
Banner Blares From Circling Airplane: Clean Up Toxic Mess In EcuadorTwo leading U.S.-based environmental groups are taking their fight over Chevron's oil catastrophe in Ecuador directly to CEO John S. Watson by sending an...
Zennie Among Several Paid By Chevron To Fake Positive News CoverageThe San Francisco Chronicle has finally thrown blogger Zennie Abraham off of its website City Brights after his ties to a Chevron operative were disclosed.Recently, The Chevron Pit, exposed Zennie and his connections to Sam Singer, a Chevron media consultant based in San Francisco....
Brazil Oil Spill Raises Questions About Company’s Respect For Local Laws Chevron faces yet another conflict with a key Latin American country where it has a sizable investment – Brazil Chevron is currently embroiled in a huge conflict in the largest country in South America related to a huge oil spill off the coast near Rio de Janeiro. If Chevron’s...
Court Begins to Question Oil Giant's Double Standard When It Comes to Disclosure of Case FilesIf you want an example of how a large oil company can mock court orders and get away with it, look no further than Chevron's behavior in the Ecuador environmental case where the company faces an $18 billion liability and allegations that it engaged in criminal...
Is He On The Chevron Payroll Or Just A Punk for Corporate Interests? Should The San Francisco Chronicle Disclose Zennie’s Conflict of Interest?Zennie Abraham, a San Francisco-based blogger who has been quick to judge other...
Diego Borja -- the man who stands behind a now-discredited sting operation designed to derail the multi-billion dollar pollution lawsuit against Chevron -- could face criminal charges in the U.S. and in Ecuador, according to his lawyer. Borja’s illegal scheme (it is against the law in Ecuador to secretly videotape individuals) resulted in a 16-month...
As the oil giant prepares for new drilling operations in Australia, the country is beginning to question its toxic legacy. In "The Amazon's Toxic Mess," Sunday Night reporter Mike Monro joins Zoe Tryon to witness the devastation...
Courthouse News in an article about the Wikileaks cables from the U.S. Embassy in Ecuador revealed Chevron's hypocrisy in accusing the Ecuadorians of "conspiring" with Ecuadorian government officials in the long-running legal battle in the Amazon rainforest. Seems Chevron was "conspiring" with the U.S. Embassy. In his closing, legal reporter Adam Klasfeld...
Earlier this week, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed what the Ecuadorians have said all along: Chevron has abused not only the laws in Ecuador but in its own country, and Federal Judge Lewis Kaplan jumped the...
This DeSmogBlog post clearly shows how Chevron is misleading, if not downright lying, to U.S. courts about pressuring Ecuador's government and the U.S. Embassy in Ecuador to halt a lawsuit, filed by five indigenous groups against the oil giant for massive oil contamination in their Amazon rainforest homeland. Chevron has accused the Ecuadorians suing...
Chevron spokesman Kent Robertson
Read the latest about Chevron operatives Kent Robertson, Diego Borja and Wayne Hansen at these two excellent blogs by Amazon Watch and the Rainforest Action Network.
Diego Borja
Here are...
A recent Reuters’ column by journalist Alison Frankel reveals the stark bias of U.S. Federal Judge Lewis Kaplan against the Ecuadorians who recently won an $18 billion judgment against the oil giant for oil contamination in the Amazon rainforest.
Frankel’s column makes clear that even though Chevron’s charges against the Ecuadorians focus largely on...
Here’s some more sound automobile advice from Car Talk: Don’t buy gas at Chevron stations. See article here
Jamie Lincoln Kitman, New York bureau chief for Automobile Magazine and automotive editor for GQ magazine, says Chevron’s “epic despoiling” of the Ecuadorian rainforest is “right up there with the worst in the oil industry’s oversubscribed Hall...
Is He On The Chevron Payroll Or Just A Punk for Corporate Interests? Should The San Francisco Chronicle Disclose Zennie’s Conflict of Interest?Zennie Abraham, a San Francisco-based blogger who has been quick to judge other...