Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chevron’s Short Fuse: Is CEO Watson’s Skin Too Thin?

Looks like pressure from shareholder activists is getting to Chevron’s CEO John Watson, who has filed criminal trespassing charges against longtime Chevron critic Antonia Juhasz. You may recall Juhasz raised serious questions...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Magistrate Judge Tells Chevron Its Legal Tactics “Spiraling Out of Control”

The lawyers representing the Ecuadorians suing Chevron for oil contamination finally got a chance to present their case against the oil giant in Tennessee and, as a result, the federal magistrate judge expressed concern about Chevron’s legal tactics. Read the press release below for details.Federal Judge Hits Chevron Over Ecuador Litigation TacticsAmazon...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Almost 10,000 Ecuadorians Face Risk of Dying From Contamination

Chevron argues the that lawyers for the Ecuadorian communities have submitted inflated damage claims as the oil giant seeks to derail the lawsuit against it for extensive oil contamination in the rainforest. That argument...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Chevron Is In Double Trouble

A Daily Kos blog slams Chevron’s “gameplan” and shows how it is unraveling. Also, a federal judge in San Francisco has ordered Chevron operative Diego Borja to sit for a deposition, possibly as soon as October 1st, to talk about evidence that suggests — in the judge’s words — how he was not a “innocent third party” but a “longtime associate whom Chevron...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chevron's "Dirty Tricks" Hero Diego Borja Now Under the Gun

Chevron employee Diego Borja was known among his friends and acquaintances as “Chevron’s dirty tricks man” in Ecuador, according to a testimony of a childhood friend of Borja’s. One of those tricks was to try to entrap the judge hearing the $27 billion lawsuit against the company — a dirty trick he discussed with Chevron officials in San Ramon, the...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chevron Critical of Cabrera’s Damages But Won’t Submit Its Own Estimate

Over 100 Expert Reports Show Contamination That Oil Giant Hides From US JudgesChevron, you are getting what you asked for! Now what’s the problem? Chevron lawyer Andrea Neuman has said the oil giant simply wants to “get to the truth” about the oil contamination in the Amazon rainforest, yet Neuman and other Gibson Dunn lawyers are refusing to adhere...

Fortune's Roger Parloff Sucked In By Chevron Spin

More headlines on Chevron’s fraud. A post on to Make You Sick: Chevron's Successful Spin & Toxic Lies in EcuadorYesterday, I began my workday drinking coffee and reading over a brutal article on by legal reporter Roger Parloff, entitled Evidence of fraud mounts in Ecuadorian suit against Chevron.My hopes...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Government Seeks To Depose Chevron Contractor Diego BorjaBelow is a story that appeared today in the San Francisco Daily Journal, a legal publication, about the government of Ecuador’s motion to depose Chevron contractor Diego Borja. For more information about Borja, go here.WITH DISCOVERY BID, ECUADOR TURNS TABLES ON CHEVRONSeptember 14, 2010By Rebecca...

Chevron Fraud Evidence Mounts In Ecuador

Bogus Lab Tests, Threats Against Plaintiffs Counsel, Ex Parte Meetings With Judge Paint Nasty Picture of Oil Giant’s Litigation Tactics Amazon Defense Coalition13 September 2010 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Karen Hinton at 703-798-3109 or Karen@hintoncommunications.comNew York, NY – Evidence of fraud by Chevron is mounting in Ecuador, dealing the...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chevron Desperate Over Ecuador Disaster

As Evidence Piles Up, Company Ignores Own ScandalsChevron has been dishing dirt to tarnish the Ecuadorian and American lawyers representing the indigenous groups suing the oil giant for what is considered the largest, oil-related environmental disaster on the planet. Yet Chevron is silent on the latest scandals surrounding the company’s potential $27...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Chevron Proves Own Guilt In Ecuador With Devastating Internal Audits

More Than 100 Expert Reports, Chevron’s Own Lab Tests, and Chevron’s Audits Demonstrate CEO Watson Lying to Courts and ShareholdersEnvironmentalists and other concerned citizens have been spreading the news about two environmental audits, conducted by Chevron, that detail the vast contamination the oil company left behind as it exited Ecuador in 1992....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Court Filing: Chevron’s Own Audits Prove Company Lied About Massive Pollution in Ecuador

Evidence of Chevron’s “Stunning Hypocrisy” and Lies to U.S. Federal CourtsAmazon Defense Coalition31 August 2010 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Karen Hinton at 703-798-3109 or Karen@hintoncommunications.comNEW YORK – A...