Monday, June 28, 2010

Chevron’s Environmental Racism

In 1994, a year after the communities in Ecuador first field suit against Texaco for the intentional contamination of their ancestral lands, Texaco executives were caught on tape openly deriding black employees and conspiring to destroy documentation which had been subpoenaed in a federal discrimination case against the company. The candid comments...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chevron Should Follow BP’s Lead

In its negotiations with the White House to fund a $20 billion escrow account, BP could have stuck to its legal guns and followed Chevron's example of thumbing its nose at victims of its environmental practices in Ecuador. Instead, BP distanced itself from Chevron's strategy of blaming anyone but itself for the extensive oil contamination it caused...

Chevron’s Deepwater Drilling: Blind Faith or Dump Luck?

Chevron has its own ticking time bomb in the Gulf of Mexico. The following article, from John Collins Rudolph, appeared on the New York Times' "Green Blog" today:On a Wing and a Prayer: Chevron's Deep Well One of the deepest offshore oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Shan: Chevron Loses a Round in First Amendment Battle over Ecuador Film Footage

The below post appeared on today – take a look below or after the jump:Victory for First Amendment, Filmmakers, & Amazon Communities in Battle Vs. Chevron Over Ecuador Footage!Chevron suffered a significant legal setback in the courts today in its sprawling cynical effort to evade accountability for its environmental devastation...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Norman Lear Latest to Blast Chevron for Trying to Seize Ecuador Film Footage

This article, by Norman Lear, appeared today on The Huffington Post:Was Oil Named 'Crude' Because of the Way Oil Companies Do Business?Let me leave it to you; which is it? "Couldn't be" or "certainly possible"? The recent BP crisis could be called the greatest of "natural" disasters. Natural for a company that had already received 760 citations for...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Chevron’s Ecuador Corruption and Ricardo Reis Veiga

The environmental crime committed by Texaco in Ecuador – and now defended by Chevron in a multi-billion litigation there – is intimately tied to the malfeasance of Chevron lawyer Ricardo Reis Veiga. Reis Veiga is known as the architect of Chevron's fraud in Ecuador. It is no coincidence that Chevron has hidden the formerly high-profile Veiga under...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bob Herbert of NYT on Chevron: Rain Forest Jekyll and Hyde

Bob Herbert's column today detailing the extent of the disaster caused by Chevron in Ecuador is not the first time his attention has turned to the tragedy in the region. The below article appeared in the New York Times on October 20, 2005.You can find the original at: October 20, 2005Op-Ed...

Chevron Lawyer Admits Chevron Corruption

One of Chevron's chief Ecuadorian lawyers, Rodrigo Perez Pallares, has admitted under oath that the company has been lying to courts in the United States and Ecuador to evade a potential $27 billion liability in Ecuador. Chevron is accused in a lawsuit of deliberately dumping more than 18.5 billion gallons of toxic "produced water" and oil waste into...

Bob Herbert of NYT: Chevron Has Its Own BP Disaster In Ecuador

The following article appeared in today's New York Times: Disaster in the Amazon By BOB HERBERT BP’s calamitous behavior in the Gulf of Mexico is the big oil story of the moment. But for many years, indigenous people from a formerly pristine region of the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador have been trying to get relief from an American...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Redford: Chevron Move to Seize Ecuador Film Footage "Shocking"

The below article appeared on The Huffington Post today:Joe Berlinger vs. Chevron: Why We Must All Defend Independent Filmmaking I have devoted a significant part of my life's work in support of the independent artist -- independent referring not to the size of a project, its funding or subject matter; rather, to the singular vision and voice of...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

NY Times: Media Companies Join Filmmaker in Opposing Chevron

This article appeared on the New York Times "ArtsBeat" blog yesterday:Media Companies File Brief on Behalf of Filmmaker in Chevron Case By DAVE ITZKOFF A group of 13 media companies has filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of Joe Berlinger, the documentary filmmaker who is appealing a federal district court’s ruling that the oil...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pat Murphy: Chevron’s Bogus Blogger Up to Old Tricks

Surprise, surprise: Pat Murphy, purveyor of the (a small online "newspaper" that sells editorial control of its opinions while pretending to offer neutral commentary) is once again carrying Chevron's...

Tragic BP Gulf Spill Casts Light on Chevron Disaster in Ecuador

The Amazon Defense Coalition put out this release today:Tragic BP Gulf Spill Casts Light on Chevron Disaster in Ecuador While BP Is Largest Spill In U.S.,Chevron's Ecuador Disaster Is Largest In World Chevron Admits Dumping at Least 16 Billion Gallons of Toxic Waste into RainforestSAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--As the nation remains riveted on the...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Chevron’s Watson To Feds: Stop Us Before We Hurt Somebody

From a recent Dow Jones article: Chevron Corp. (CVX) Chief Executive John Watson said that the oil and gas industry has asked the U.S. government to raise safety standards for offshore drilling in order to avoid another "tragedy" like the massive spill that is still threatening the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.In other words: "Stop us before we hurt somebody."...