Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chevron’s Lobbying Effort Blasted in Politico Chevron's lobby campaign backfires By: Kenneth P. Vogel November 16, 2009 04:58 AM EST Facing the possibility of a $27 billion pollution judgment against it in an Ecuadorean court, Chevron launched an aggressive lobbying and public relations campaign to try to prevent the judgment as well...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Chevron Using “Every Trick In The Book” To Evade Justice in Ecuador

Chevron's attempt to continually play its games to evade any semblance of justice in Ecuador is blasted in this post ("Ecuador Class Action Plaintiffs Strike Back at Chevron's Cynical Game of Musical Jurisdictions") from the International Business Law Advisor. Read on for Santiago Cueto's take on Chevron's activities:The seventeen-year war between...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Chevron Kicks Out “Runners for Human Rights” in Houston

Apparently Chevron is so hysterical about its impending legal disaster in Ecuador it has taken to infringing on free speech here in the United States. Take a look at this post from Han over at pulls strings, kicks 'Runners for Human Rights' out of pre-Chevron Houston Marathan expo Our friends at Rainforest Action Network...