Sunday, May 31, 2009

Alternate Annual Report on Chevron’s Human Rights Problem Around the World

Apparently we're not the only ones paying attention to Chevron's human rights problems. An "alternate annual report" has been posted about the impact of Chevron's operations on communities worldwide. We linked to it in an earlier post, but wanted to make it more easily availabe to you. Take a look after the jump: True Cost of Chevron....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thin Green Line: “What’s Not In Chevron’s Annual Report”

Great blog by Cameron Scott looking at another way to look at Chevron's annual report today at the "Thin Green Line" blog on SF Gate today: Reprinting here:What's not in Chevron's annual report People with strong ideological perspectives are often outraged by media coverage of...

“Chevron Botching Ecuador Case”

The Amazon Defense Coalition put out a press release today calling attention to an oil industry publication reporting about Chevron's Ecuador problem. Take a look:Chevron Botching Ecuador Case, Says Influential Report $27 Billion Liability in Ecuador "Poorly Handled" By Chevron's Top Management, Analyst Tells Leading Trade Publication New York,...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chevron Facing Potential Shareholder Revolt Over Ecuador

This press release was online today about Chevron's liability and how pissed some shareholders are about it. Take a look:Chevron Management Dealt Major Blow with CalPERS Announcement on EcuadorCalifornia Pension Fund Voting for Resolution Stemming from Chevron's $27 Billion Ecuador Liability in Rainforest Pressure Grows as Funds from Connecticut,...

Hatchet job for Chevron in this week’s Economist…

An article in the Economist this week totally misses the mark about Chevron's liability in Ecuador. Not only did the reporter fail Journalism 101 by failing to talk to ANYONE from the plaintiffs, he or she (Economist articles have no byline) repeated word for word Chevrons story. This is the response by one of the lawyers working on the case – it gives...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Chevron caught manipulating media…

By the New York Times no less…the paper today picked up how Chevron has tried to manipulate the media: When Chevron Hires Ex-Reporter to Investigate Pollution, Chevron Looks Good.But the times missed the real story and lets Chevron off the hook about how the company totally and completely fails to disclose that they paid for the piece in any aspect...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

Interesting Story on NPR While Juan Forero does a nice job of recounting the horrific environmental contamination in Ecuador's Amazon, his reporting of President Rafeal Correa's comments on the humanitarian crisis afflicting the region wrongly imply that President Correa has somehow influenced the trial in Ecuador....