Friday, January 23, 2009

Film Documenting Chevron’s Toxic Legacy in Ecuador Gaining Momentum

Crude, the documentary at the Sundance film festival we blogged about earlier this week seems to be getting some huge momentum. Over the past week we've seen a ton of stories come across our computer about the film, the outpouring of celebrity support for the film and for the people who are suffering from Chevron's pollution. There just seems to be...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chevron’s Amazon Disaster Lands at Sundance; "Crude" - Press Kit Attached

Apparently a new documentary – appropriately entitled "Crude" - from Emmy-award winning filmmaker Joe Berlinger highlighting the legal battle to hold Chevron accountable is premiering at the famous Sundance film festival today. The film has generated some significant buzz – I saw articles mentioning it in the New York Times and the Boston Globe, among...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Chevron Wins Dubious Honor: Named to “10 Worst Corporations of 2008”

According to MoneyWeb, as 2008 ushered in a financial tsunami that became the biggest economic shakedown since the Great Depression, wide scale corporate corruption was forced out into the open witnessing a slew of business scandals.AIG, Cargill, Chevron, Constellation Energy, CNPC, Dole, General Electric, Imperial Sugar, Philip Morris International...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Science Doesn’t Lie. Or Does It?

Katie Bezrouch over at Imagine 2050 hit on an interesting thread last week: Chevron has apparently commissioned "scientific studies" to create findings supporting their analysis that there has been no harm to the Ecuador region that the company devastated. The catch is that these studies are apparently funded by the big oil company and are done by...